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Grants will not be awarded to the following types of activity or organisations: 

  • Public bodies to carry out their statutory obligations. 
  • The promotion of religion or political causes. 
  • Retrospective funding – grants for a project that has started or been already completed. 
  • Organisations with more than 12 months’ unrestricted reserves. 

Grants will not normally be awarded to the following types of organisations: 

  • Previously funded organisations with overdue end of grant form 
  • Due to our limited funding and the need to focus on projects that have a lasting benefit, we will not normally fund the following project’s requests: 
  • General appeals, sponsored events, and fundraising events. 
  • Consultancy fees (including professional bid writer’s fees) 
  • Projects duplicating an existing service. 
  • One-off events without limited long term benefit. 
  • Building works including access adaptations 
  • Capital purchases of more than £1,000 

For more detail on application processes, if you are not clear about any of the above or have additional questions, please contact Glen Fendley, Director of Foundation

Duration of support 

Appropriate grants are typically available for a minimum of two years and the grant size varies depending on the criteria of the grant programme. 

Application limits 

Applicants can apply to more than one grant programme throughout the year, however, if they are already in receipt of two grants they are a low priority for funding. An organisation cannot be in receipt of more than one grant from the same funding programme, or for the same project/service concurrently. 

This is to ensure that: 

  • the Foundation is reaching as many groups as possible through its funding and not only appealing to those organisations who have previously been funded on more than one occasion. 
  • previously funded organisations have submitted an end of grant form and the Foundation can be confident that the grant funding has been spent as required before considering a grant from the same funding programme or for the same project/service. 

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