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OurGrant Programme

The Dukes Foundation aims to support charitable or voluntary organisations serving communities in the UK and across the globe that aim to make the world a safer, healthier, and more sustainable place to live (please see our Commitments).

We will partner with organisations that work to advance the Foundation’s overall mission and its strategic goals. Our grant making process is managed by the Director of Foundation and informed by our Board of Trustees and expert independent advisors.

OurPartnership Approach

Identifying potential funding partners

  • The Foundation does not accept unsolicited proposals, but will identify potential funding partners through our leadership, staff and other stakeholders across the Dukes family.
  • From small charities and grassroots groups through to the big ‘household names’ of the charity world, our aim remains the same – to listen to the concerns and funding priorities of those applying to us, and those we’ve chosen to work in partnership with, to give help where most needed.

A transparent grant-making process

  • The Foundation applies clear criteria in its shortlisting of potential funding recipients.
  • Grant-making decisions are made at the discretion of the Board of Trustees, following a robust, fair, and transparent evaluation process that identifies the most high-quality projects and initiatives.

OurFunding Programmes

Throughout the year, the Dukes Foundation will make grants to diverse projects that have the potential to effect lasting change through our ‘Extraordinary Impact’ Initiative.

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