FoundationMatters Blog
The Extraordinary Impact of Collaboration and Volunteerism
Glen Fendley, Chief Executive of the Dukes Foundation write about The Extraordinary Impact of Collaboration and Volunteerism
Giving and sharing. The best feelings in the world
Magoo Giles, Founder and Principal, Knightsbridge School, built on the example set by his parents to lay the foundation of his school community’s values
Lessons through life
Aatif Hassan, Founder and Chairman of Dukes Education, discusses how a father’s wisdom and life changing events forged his belief in the power of philanthropy
Embracing the power of purpose
Glen Fendley, Chief Executive of the Dukes Foundation, describes how his 30-year journey in fundraising has prepared him for his new role
Philanthropy. Humanity, benevolence, kindliness
David Goodhew, Managing Director, Dukes Education, discusses the Dukes Foundation’s ambitious plans for transformational bursaries
The vital role of competent and caring guidance and support for young people
Part 2
Conscious living is the practice of embodying the change we wish to see actualised in the world. The coherence between values, words and actions is also essential and requires deliberate, reflective conscious living, and a continuous choice in the here and now.
The vital role of competent and caring guidance and support for young people
Part 1
As an expert in the field of the human mind, working relentlessly in support of human empowerment and conscious living, I am very aware of the vital role played by a fulfilled emotional need for competent and caring guidance and support for young people.
Good for Girls: Supporting Minoritised Young Women to Thrive
Young people’s mental health and wellbeing is in crisis, with increasing numbers of young women needing help with mental health issues – particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Thanks to the vital support from the Dukes Foundation, London Youth is able to tackle this challenge head-on through an innovative mental health and wellbeing programme.
Getting the balance right
Every time I meet with the Dukes Foundation Board as a whole or independently, I am reminded that I am working with individuals who are driven by an enormous desire to improve the society in which they live and work.
The road to becoming a more strategic funder
Since it was established in late 2021, the Dukes Foundation has been committed to doing good and bringing about social change in the world.

Leadingwith Heart
We want all stakeholders associated with Dukes Education to be proud of both the Foundation’s and Dukes family of educational settings’ extraordinary charitable impacts.
Over the next few months, we are capturing for the first time the wealth of charitable activities that are taking place across our Dukes Education network and will highlight these efforts in an ‘impact’ report in early September. This exciting exercise will also help the Dukes Foundation to develop its ‘giving strategy’ to ensure that our community support complements the network and maximises charitable return.

Charity Stats fromthe Charities Aid Foundation UK Giving Report 2023
Proportion of people who took part in at least one charitable activity in the last 12 months
Animal welfare continued to be the most popular with 28% of donors giving to this cause in the past four weeks.
The proportion who gave to hospitals and hospices declined significantly from 23% in 2017 to 16% in 2022.
Total amount given to charity over the course of 2022 (up £2 billion on previous year)
Proportion of people who said they would need to make spending cuts in 2022