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Dukes have recently made a significant donation towards the development of a new Children’s Cancer Centre at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), that is largely being funded by Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity’s (GOSH Charity) Build it. Beat it. appeal.

GOSH has a long history of pioneering breakthroughs in cancer care and treatment, but despite advances, children’s cancer rates are going up and cancer is still the biggest killer of children aged one to 14 in the UK.

There are extraordinary opportunities to improve the odds for children with cancer once and for all, but the hospital needs next-generation specialist facilities to help make these opportunities a reality.

Build itBeat it

The new Children’s Cancer Centre at GOSH will offer:

  • a greater capacity to offer life-saving care for more children with cancer
  • digitally advanced inpatient wards tailored to children with cancer
  • increased access to clinical trials
  • a new critical care unit with on-site accommodation
  • an increased focus on nutrition, physical activity and wellbeing
  • new imaging technology that better reveals what’s happening inside cancer cells
  • a new hospital school
  • outdoor spaces, including a roof garden

A child doesn’t have to die from cancer for it to take their life.
It can take away their childhood and dreams for the future.


GOSH cares for children with the most complex and hardest-to-treat cancers. They’re already pushing the boundaries.

Pioneering childhood cancer research is underway to find the most effective treatments and cures, which give hope to children and their families. But, these advances have outstripped GOSH’s current cancer care facilities. Some of their outpatient cancer clinics are currently in buildings from the 1930s and the hospital needs a new home to deliver breakthrough therapies which will help more children beat cancer.

A place designed with the needs of children at its heart. A place that will support every aspect of care. That home will be the new Children’s Cancer Centre at GOSH.

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