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The BridgeHomelessness To Hope

The Bridge has been on a mission to prevent and reduce homelessness across Leicestershire for 29 years. They have a vision for resilient compassionate communities where people thrive in a safe and secure home.  

Within their homelessness prevention services, their talk2sort Mediation Service has won national awards. They know the best way to deal with youth homelessness is to prevent it. They do that by addressing the clear cause; family breakdown. As the number of homeless young people reaches new highs throughout the country, it’s evermore important to help young people stay safe, happily at home. No child should ever face homelessness.  

Creating Long-Lasting Change

Their mediators support young people aged 11-19 and their families who may be having problems at home or with their relationships, exploring topics such as: 

  • Resolving conflict and improving communication
  • Establishing boundaries and behavior expectations 
  • Self-reflection and empowering people to make changes in their own relationships and actions 
  • Mental health support and accessing services 
  • Owning your own solutions 

For the last two years 100% of talk2sort clients said that The Bridge prevented or overcame their homelessness. 

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