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Terms of Reference

Dukes Foundation Youth Advisory Board

About The Dukes Foundation

Established in 2021, the Dukes Foundation is the charitable arm of Dukes Education, a family of schools, colleges, and educators. The Foundation’s mission is to change lives and create opportunities through grant-making and developing strategic partnerships. From education and financial assistance, to health, wellbeing, and environmental causes, we can offer hope against all odds and create sparks that can ignite brighter futures and deliver social impact.

The Dukes Foundation Youth Advisory Board

Mission and Purpose: The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) serves as a voice for the students who attend Dukes’ schools and colleges, providing insights, perspectives, and recommendations to enhance the Foundation’s mission and initiatives.


· The Youth Advisory Board shall have a maximum of 12 members and consist of a diverse group of students representing different schools and colleges from Dukes Education.

· Members must be aged between 14 to 16 years old and demonstrate qualities such as leadership potential, empathy, creativity, and a passion for community service.

· All members will be selected through a transparent and inclusive process.

· A YAB chairperson will be elected internally by the members.

· Members serve a renewable one-year term, with the option to reapply for subsequent terms.

Roles and Responsibilities:

· Advisory: Offer input on Foundation grant making programmes, policies, and initiatives to ensure they reflect the needs and aspirations of young people.

· Ideas generation: Generate innovative ideas for Foundation projects and activities that promote social impact and community engagement.

· Project Leadership: Conduct a research project on an issue affecting the youth community, such as mental health, environmental sustainability, or education inequality, and present findings and recommendations to the Foundation.

· Ambassadorial: Act as ambassadors, fostering engagement and collaboration between the Foundation and students across the Dukes network of schools and colleges.

Governance and Support:

· The Foundation will provide resources, guidance, and support to enable the YAB to fulfil its mandate effectively.

· The YAB will be overseen by a designated staff member from the Dukes Foundation who will provide guidance and support.

· The Foundation will maintain records of meetings, decisions, and actions in a transparent and organized manner.

· Regular check-ins and evaluations will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the Youth Advisory Board and make necessary adjustments.

Meetings and Reporting:

· The Board will meet termly, alternating between online and in person meetings, to discuss ongoing projects, review progress, and provide updates on individual tasks. Meetings will be facilitated by Foundation and the YAB chair.

· All members will have the opportunity to attend a Foundation board meeting, online or in person to observe the decision-making process and provide input where required.

· The YAB will submit periodic reports to the Foundation’s leadership summarising activities, recommendations, and outcomes.

Special Events:

· Annual Youth Advisory Leadership Conference Day: YAB members collaborate with the Foundation meet to organise a series of workshops and training sessions with influential guest speakers focused on developing leadership skills in philanthropy and community service.

· Youth Advisory Board Ceremony: A special public thank you recognising the contributions and achievements of YAB members, celebrating their dedication, innovation, and positive impact on their communities.

Code of Conduct and Confidentiality:

· Members are expected to uphold the values and mission of the Foundation and maintain confidentiality when necessary.

· Respectful communication, active participation, and collaboration are essential values upheld by all members.

· Any conflicts or concerns should be addressed through proper channels with the support of the designated staff member.